Hi Juan, 

The [1] and [2] from the previous emails are:

The pages seem to exist and I can see these links at:, can it be some problem with the formatting of the email?

Nuno Lopes

On 7 Feb 2012, at 18:47, Juan Sequeda wrote:

> Nuno
> there is no [1] or [2] :)
> Juan Sequeda
> +1-575-SEQ-UEDA
> On Tue, Feb 7, 2012 at 12:27 PM, Nuno Lopes <> wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> as per the telco I'm including my experience with running the test cases
>> with XSPARQL.  First of the process I followed for executing the tests was
>> quite similar to what is described in the wiki page [1].  From my
>> experience, the process seems implementable.
>> In XSPARQL, with my basic bash scripting skills, I wrote the script at
>> [2], which basically does:
>> - for each directory in the test suite:
>>  - load the SQL script into the database (tested with PostgreSQL and
>> MySQL)
>>  - query the manifest.ttl graph to extract info regarding each test-case*
>>     - run each test-case using XSPARQL
>>     - compare the result of the XSPARQL query to the expected output
>> using JENA's 'rdfcompare'
>> The output of the script is simply if the test-case was passed or failed
>> (and if it's a negative test) or simply "NQUAD".  In the final step of
>> comparing the RDF graphs, is where I came across the problems of comparing
>> the "NQuads" since this, AFAIK is not supported by JENA.  I did not look
>> into this issue any further.
>> * To query the manifest.ttl graph I used an XSPARQL query, probably not
>> the most elegant way but can be replaced with another method.
>> I tried to use as much as possible environment variables in the script so
>> it should be easy to detach from XSPARQL, except for this method of reading
>> the manifest files.
>> regards,
>> --
>> Nuno Lopes
>> [1]
>> [2]

Received on Tuesday, 7 February 2012 19:18:02 UTC