rdb2rdf TC

Hi all

During our last telecon, Ashok raised two important questions.

*1. how do I tell if the test cases cover all the functionalities? 
(Souri refer to this as coverage completeness).*
I think we first need to define the functionalities, based on the features.
Eric suggested to define features that will be included in the manifest 
files of the test cases.

So, I think we have DB features and R2RML features
- DB features are included in the DBs we have in the test cases
ˇ 1table0rows, empty table
ˇ 1table1row, simple table
ˇ ...
Probably we have to define more databases that cover more DB features, 
e.g., hierarchical tables.

- R2RML features are described in the R2RML specification
ˇ logical tables
ˇ R2RML views
ˇ typed literals
ˇ inverse expressions
ˇ ....
These features are reflected in the "Specification Reference" property 
of the TCs.
So, the R2RML test cases should include at least one TC for a particular 
R2RML feature.

This is also applicable for the direct graph.

*2. if you if you have an implementation that pass all the test cases, 
how do we keep a record of that? ******
*I think the first basic approach for this purpose can be that 
implementors should
1. download the test suite
2. run the test cases locally
3a. upload the results to the TC server
3b. download a script from the TC server
4a. the server analyzes the results
4b. execute the script for analyzing the results
5a. the server generates a report of the implementation
5b. the script generates a report of the implementation
6. the report generated is stored in the server for further 

Comments? thoughts?


Received on Tuesday, 4 October 2011 00:26:56 UTC