Re: Proposal for the datatype mapping

On Wed, Nov 23, 2011 at 9:32 AM, Richard Cyganiak <>wrote:

> > Looking at it from the other direction if the mapping author wants to
> produce the canonical RDF literal form of a SQL integer as an xsd:string or
> a plain literal without a language tag... how do they do that?
> rr:template "{columnname}"

This will produce a plain literal without a language tag, correct? (so this
seems to be the plain literal mechanism that I have been asking for the
last couple of days)

Also, if the author says:

rr:template "{columnname}"
rr:datatype xsd:string

Then it will produce a canonical RDF string value of type xsd:string, right?


Received on Wednesday, 23 November 2011 15:40:45 UTC