Re: Q: ISSUE-41 bNode semantics

On May 18, 2011, at 8:20 AM, Enrico Franconi wrote:

> On 18 May 2011, at 13:28, Richard Cyganiak wrote:
>> So unless someone (Ted? Enrico?) can propose a better alternative, I'm still in favour of simply not producing triples for NULLs.
> Please let me note first that my arguments are not about "what a NULL value possibly does mean among various possibilities", but they are about "what a NULL value normatively means in the SQL standard".
> From a meaningful translation of a RDB in RDF, we should be able also to understand the translation of operations (e.g., SQL queries or updates) over the original data in, say, SPARQL over the translated data. I am not interested in the reverse mapping, but of course I'm interested in how to use correctly the data.
> If the original RDB data does not contain nulls, and the direct mapping is employed, then it is sort of obvious how to translate the SQL operations into SPARQL operations: basically it goes through reification of the relational signature into an object model. 
> However, when NULL values are present, then operations over data (queries, updates) became less obvious. 
> Examples:
> (a) projection over attributes containing NULL values should return the NULL values, different from not returning anything;
> (b) a (self-)join fails for tuples with a NULL value in the join attribute;
> (c) aggregation, updates, etc.
> By not translating NULL values, you fail (a).
> By translating NULL values, you fail (b).
> (c) is even more complex.
> How does SQL solve the matter? By considering a NULL value as a constant, and then tweaking the query answering mechanism letting the join fail whenever this constant is found (see the "three valued semantics").
> To mimic this in RDF2RDF, my suggestion would be to translate a NULL value as a special constant from a special datatype, and then we should provide precise directives on how a query language should deal with this.

+1. This seems to be the only way to do this correctly, if it can be done at all. 


> This is how SQL normatively defines the NULL values. Note that this may not be a trivial exercise, due to the complexity of the new SPARQL language, which I understand contains aggregations :-(
> cheers
> --e.

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Received on Wednesday, 18 May 2011 14:10:20 UTC