Re: Direct Mapping document

Hi Eric,

That's a good start.

On 7 Jun 2010, at 16:49, Eric Prud'hommeaux wrote:
> In order to get some common terminology, I've created a draft of a
> Direct Mapping.

Maybe start by defining what a database is in your notation? "A  
database db is a set of relations R_1...R_i" etc?

> This defines a Direct Graph and demonstrates how this
> definition can be extended.
> The crux of it is still:
> directDB(db)    ≝   { directR(r) ∀ r ∈ db }
> directR(R)    ≝   { directT(R, T) ∀ T ∈ R.Body }
> directT(R, T)    ≝   { directL(R, S, A) ∀ A ∈ scalar(T) }
>                     ∪ { directN(R, S, A) ∀ A ∈ reference(T) }

What are scalar(T) and reference(T)?

>                      ∣ S = nodemap(R, pk(T))
> directL(R, S, A)   ≝ triple(S, predicatemap(R, A), literalmap(A))

What's literalmap?

> directN(R, S, A)   ≝ triple(S, predicatemap(R, A), nodemap(R, A))
> nodemap(R, A)      ≝ IRI(stem + "/" + "/" + "." +  
> A.value + "#_")
> predicatemap(R, A) ≝ IRI(stem + "/" + "#"

What's the logic for uses hashes in some places and slashes in others?

Shouldn't there be an rdf:type triple somewhere? If not, then how do  
you SPARQL for all records in a single DB?

To be really useful, this direct mapping should define a URI for the  
DB itself, for each relation, and for each attribute in the relations.

> I'm still playing with the notation.

I'd prefer classical mathematical sets, so where you have:

   directDB(db)    ≝   { directR(r) ∀ r ∈ db }

I'd rather see:

   directDB(db) = { directR(r) | r ∈ db }

General note: "succinct" and "clear" are correlated, but not the same.  
The latter should be the goal, not the former.


> It's currently a pretty classic
> notation:
>  3.1 Notation for Types
>    A  : a type
>    A ⊔ B  : disjoint union of A and B
>    ( A, B )  : tuple (Cartesian product) of types A and B
>    [ A ]  : list of elements of type A
>    { A }  : set of elements of type A
>    { A→B }  : map of elements of type A to elements of type B
>  3.2 Notation for Injectors
>    a  : an instance of an A
>    ( a1, b1 )  : a tuple with elements a1 and b1
>    [ a1, a2 ]  : list with elements a1 and a2
>    { a1, a2 }  : set with elements a1 and a2
>    { a1→b1, a2→b2 }  : map with elements with key a1 mapped to b1  
> and key a2 mapped to b2
>  3.3 Supporting Functions
>    AB[a]  : in a map of A to B, the instance of B for a given A*
> We can get more type-safety if we use something like a scala notation,
> but I'm not sure how to tersely express things like disjoint union.
>  3.1 Notation for Types
>    x:X  : x is an element in the set X
>    A ?? B : disjoint union of A and B (normally case classes
>             extending an abstract class, e.g.:
>               abstract class AB; A extends AB; B extends AB;
>             )
>    ( A, B )  : tuple (Cartesian product) of types A and B
>    List[ A ]  : list of elements of type A
>    Set[ A ]  : set of elements of type A
>    Map[ A, B ]  : map of elements of type A to elements of type B
>  3.2 Notation for Injectors
>    a  : an instance of an A
>    ( a1, b1 )  : a tuple with elements a1 and b1
>    List( a1, a2 )  : list with elements a1 and a2
>    Set( a1, a2 )  : set with elements a1 and a2
>    Map( a1→b1, a2→b2 )  : map with elements with key a1 mapped to  
> b1 and key a2 mapped to b2
>  3.3 Supporting Functions
>    AB(a)  : in a map of A to B, the instance of B for a given A*
> -- 
> -ericP

Received on Tuesday, 8 June 2010 09:18:07 UTC