Re: [Fwd: RE: The syntax issue]

Richard said ...
 > I'm prepared to accept that a custom syntax can be more user-friendly 
than either XML or Turtle.

XQuery created a custom syntax and a XML syntax.  They created the 
custom syntax to be user-friendly.
I'm not recommending this approach, just giving you all a data point.
All the best, Ashok

Richard Cyganiak wrote:
> Hi Orri,
> From: "Orri Erling" <>
>> For human authorship, it should be neither XML nor RDF since both are as
>> good as unwritable by humans.
> This is a bit of an overstatement. I have seen humans write large 
> amounts of both Turtle and XML. People write books in XML.
>> RDF with blank nodes for representing trees is an order of magnitude 
>> less human readable than a corresponding XML syntax.
> <!-- Some tree in XML -->
> <aaaaa>
>     <bbbbb>
>         <ccccc>value</ccccc>
>         <ddddd>12.5</ddddd>
>     </bbbbb>
>     <eeeee>foo</eeeee>
> </aaaaa>
> # Some tree in Turtle
> <> :aaaaa [
>     :bbbbb [
>         :ccccc "value";
>         :ddddd 12.5;
>     ];
>     :eeeee "foo";
> ].
> Honestly, I don't think there is an order-of-magnitude difference.
>> This is also why we never considered XML or RDF as our own outside 
>> syntax,
>> even though the internal mapping schema happens to be RDF we would 
>> not dream
>> of anyone  interacting with this except via a SPARQL/SQL hybrid syntax.
> I'm prepared to accept that a custom syntax can be more user-friendly 
> than either XML or Turtle. I certainly would be interested in seeing 
> an example to get a better idea. Are you or someone else from the 
> OpenLink crew up for translating Souri's example to an RDF Views-like 
> syntax?
> Raw files of Souri's XML example and of my Turtle conversion are here:
> The DB schema is here:
> Best,
> Richard
>> Regards
>> Orri
>> PS:  Harry, this will probably bounce from the list, can you forward 
>> this
>> there since this sender address has never worked with the list?
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of Harry Halpin
>> Sent: Wednesday, August 25, 2010 6:20 PM
>> To: Souri Das
>> Subject: Re: The syntax issue
>>> I do see the point for RDF serialization and we should go for it. If 
>>> the
>>> mapping specification is written by people familiar with RDF (like us),
>>> that will most likely be the preferred syntax.
>>> However, what if we have a DB person writing the mapping. The 
>>> widespread
>>> familiarity of and availability of tools for XML could make the
>>> XML-based syntax more suitable for their use than the RDF syntax.
>> I would second Souri here. I think what we should have is a XML 
>> syntax for
>> DB designers who may "just" be getting into RDF and a RDF/Turtle syntax
>> for those who are more familiar with RDF. However, RDF/XML does not 
>> count
>> as a human or even machine-usable XML syntax for people who are not
>> familiar with RDF, and while I'm tempted by EricP's suggestion have 
>> having
>> the best possible XML syntax that is RDF compatible, I'd have to see a
>> good example to be convinced that the result will not be needlessly
>> awkward. Therefore, I'd suggest that we use the simplest possible XML
>> syntax and have a GRDDL (XSLT) transformation to the Turtle/RDF syntax.
>>          cheers,
>>              harry
>>> Thanks,
>>> - Souri.
>>> Juan Sequeda wrote:
>>>> +1 for RDF serialization
>>>> RDF people will be happy with this. But what about the DB people?  I'm
>>>> guessing Richard can confirm this with the D2R experience. But Souri,
>>>> what do you think? A DB person with bare little experience in RDF,
>>>> would they be comfortable?
>>>> Is there another serialization that we should think about/ plan for
>>>> the future?
>>>> Juan Sequeda
>>>> +1-575-SEQ-UEDA
>>>> <>
>>>> On Wed, Aug 25, 2010 at 10:11 AM, Michael Hausenblas
>>>> < <>>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> But, we should also consider having an XML syntax just b/c of its
>>>>> popularity and widespread familiarity.
>>>>    Hmm, I think in terms of manual editing Richard has made very good
>>>>    points
>>>>    and I've so far not really seen good arguments for XML beside the
>>>>    above
>>>>    (which is, I think, not the strongest one ;)
>>>>> However, as Ashok said, if we have more than one syntax we
>>>>    should also
>>>>> have tools to translate from one syntax to another.
>>>>    That's easy. If we have Turtle as syntax (which I do prefer due to
>>>>    many
>>>>    reasons, most of them already covered by Richard), then I'd claim
>>>>    that any
>>>>    RDF processor out there can immediately turn it into RDF/XML :)
>>>>    Cheers,
>>>>         Michael
>>>>    --
>>>>    Dr. Michael Hausenblas
>>>>    LiDRC - Linked Data Research Centre
>>>>    DERI - Digital Enterprise Research Institute
>>>>    NUIG - National University of Ireland, Galway
>>>>    Ireland, Europe
>>>>    Tel. +353 91 495730
>>>>> From: Souri Das <
>>>>    <>>
>>>>> Date: Wed, 25 Aug 2010 11:01:46 -0400
>>>>> To: RDB2RDF WG <
>>>>    <>>
>>>>> Subject: Re: The syntax issue
>>>>> Resent-From: RDB2RDF WG <
>>>>    <>>
>>>>> Resent-Date: Wed, 25 Aug 2010 15:02:36 +0000
>>>>> I have not had time to carefully go thru Richard's
>>>>    justifications for
>>>>> RDF serialization yet, but I think RDF serialization may be
>>>> needed.
>>>>> But, we should also consider having an XML syntax just b/c of its
>>>>> popularity and widespread familiarity.
>>>>> However, as Ashok said, if we have more than one syntax we
>>>>    should also
>>>>> have tools to translate from one syntax to another.
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> - Souri.
>>>>> ashok malhotra wrote:
>>>>>> If we are arguing syntax then we are done :-)
>>>>>> If we end up with more than one syntax it would be good if it was
>>>>>> possible
>>>>>> to automatically translate from one syntax to the other.
>>>>>> All the best, Ashok
>>>>>> Michael Hausenblas wrote:
>>>>>>>> I propose to proceed based on the concepts of Souri's
>>>>    approach, but
>>>>>>>> with an RDF serialization instead of XML as the surface syntax.
>>>>>>> +1
>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>>      Michael

Received on Thursday, 26 August 2010 22:46:02 UTC