Re: Patent application on converting SPARQL to SQL

This is a patent application.  The patent has not been granted yet.  
Regardless of what we feel are the chances
for its success we should argue against it because, if it is granted, 
all vendors may end up paying Microsoft to
license the technology. 

What we need are publicly available papers that describe SPARQL to SQL 
mapping.  In the reference from Ivan Herman
Jim Hendler says they did some work in this area.  Perhaps Virtuoso has 
something in its product literature that we can cite.  There may be 
other papers that RDB2RDF WG members have published.

The technique seems to depend on a particular method for storing the 
triples.  I could not figure this out as I did not
get the figures with the application.  If, of course, the technique 
works only with a special storage strategy then it does
not apply if you store the triples in a different way.
All the best, Ashok

Michael Hausenblas wrote:
> All,
> Just stumbled upon [1] that there is a pending SPARQL to SQL patent
> application [2] by Microsoft ... anyone knows more about this?
> Cheers,
>       Michael
> [1]
> [2]

Received on Tuesday, 15 December 2009 13:32:02 UTC