Null values

My area of concern is the treatment of null values.
By not generating any RDF for null values you are changing the original
Though, admittedly, the semantics of null in relational databases are
not universally clear (and much discussed/disputed), I would expect some
attempt to map it. At the minimum a discussion of the issues.

In the example Sue has an address of NULL. That could be interpreted as
the positive assertion that she has no address i.e. she is homeless or
'with no fixed abode'. The RDF in effect states that "we know nothing
about Sue's address" which is quite different. 
In fact the RDF is even different from the main alternative relational
interpretation of NULL which is "Sue's address is unknown" i.e. it's a
"known unknown" which is different from a complete absence of knowledge
about it. Subtle but different.

Pete  Rivett 
CTO, Adaptive Inc

Received on Thursday, 18 November 2010 21:47:43 UTC