XmlToRdf - Java library


I am the lead developer of a new XML to RDF library developed by Acando in Norway under the Apache 2.0 license: https://github.com/AcandoNorway/XmlToRdf

XmlToRdf uses the Java SAX parser to convert any XML file to RDF very efficiently. It has many options for configuring how the conversion should happen, including options for renaming elements, inserting predicates between elements and detecting simpleType elements and converting them to predicates with literals. 

The library also handles advanced topics such as mixed content and composite IDs. Mixed content is handled as an RDF list, and can be automatically identified. Composite IDs can be built from both attributes and child simpleType elements, and uses a buffer for delaying conversion of elements until their IRI can be resolved from all the required child elements.

The greatest benefit from the library is its speed and efficiency. A simple conversion, with fewer options, can convert a 100 MB XML file to RDF in less than 2 seconds with only 20 MB of RAM (3 MB is the minimum), while the advanced conversion with all the bells and whistles can convert the same file in around 3 seconds with 50 MB of RAM. All on my laptop.

We have seen great success both internally at Acando, and in two external projects, with using this library. 

Håvard M. Ottestad

Received on Monday, 1 August 2016 13:49:16 UTC