[XQuery full text] i18n core comment: Need for the term \"word\"?

Comment from the i18n review of:

Comment 4
At http://www.w3.org/International/reviews/0706-xquery-fulltext/
Editorial/substantive: S
Location in reviewed document:
Need for the term \"word\"?

Throughout the document, you use the terms \"word\" and \"token\" interchangebly. We propose to drop the term \"word\", since (as you note in sec. 1.1) it is language-specific. This proposal includes renaming of expressions like FTWords to FTTokens or FTTokenValues.

The background of this proposal becomes obvious in sec. 3.2 [http://www.w3.org/TR/2007/WD-xpath-full-text-10-20070518/#ftwords]. That section defines the FTWords expression, but actually uses only the notion of tokens.

Received on Friday, 22 June 2007 12:55:30 UTC