[Bug 1566] [FS] technical: 4.1.1 Literals


------- Additional Comments From jmdyck@ibiblio.org  2005-07-21 00:57 -------
(In reply to comment #1)
> It seems that a somewhat cleaner way to write the semantics would be
> to introduce an auxiliary judgment to go from literalexpressions to
> literalvalues. This would be a bit less heavy-handed than a function.

Fine with me. Am I right in thinking it would only have a prose definition?

>   IntegerLiteral has literal value IntegerValue
>   -------------------------------------------------------------
>   dynEnv |- IntegerLiteral => IntegerLiteral of type xs:integer

In the conclusion, the second "IntegerLiteral" should presumably be "IntegerValue".

You have to be a little careful with terminology and symbology.
In "X of type Y", X is (in these cases) AtomicValueContent, so
the suggested 'FooValue' symbols don't fit. Instead, you'd want
to use the alternatives under AtomicValueContent, specifically
Decimal, Double, and String. That is:
    IntegerLiteral has literal value Decimal
    DecimalLiteral has literal value Decimal
    DoubleLiteral  has literal value Double
    StringLiteral  has literal value String

You might consider changing "has literal value" to the more terminologically
correct "has literal value content", although it's kind of clunky.

Received on Thursday, 21 July 2005 00:57:20 UTC