Typo in XQuery 1.0 and XPath 2.0 Formal Semantics section . Axes


I think I've found a typo in the document "XQuery 1.0 and XPath 2.0 Formal Semantics" section " Axes".

The following-sibling axes is defined as:

[following-sibling:: NodeTest]Axis 
[let $e := . in parent::node()/child:: NodeTest [.<<$e]]Expr

after a short discussion with Michael Kay it should be:

[following-sibling:: NodeTest]Axis 
[let $e := . 
return parent::node()/child:: NodeTest [.>>$e]]Expr

to meet the intended semantic.
The same applies for the preceding-sibling axis. It is defined as:

[preceding-sibling:: NodeTest]Axis 
[let $e := . in parent::node()/child:: NodeTest [.>>$e]]Expr

it should rather be as follows:

[preceding-sibling:: NodeTest]Axis 
[let $e := . 
return parent::node()/child:: NodeTest [.<<$e]]Expr

to meet the intended semantic.


Received on Tuesday, 23 March 2004 03:13:21 UTC