RE: ORA-FO-175-B: things you can say about precision of the result

Thank you for your comment.  The WGs discussed your request this morning
and agreed to make the change.

All the best, Ashok

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Stephen Buxton
Sent: Monday, February 16, 2004 6:39 AM
Subject: ORA-FO-175-B: things you can say about precision of the result

SECTION 6.2: functions and operators on numerics

last sentence before 6.2.1: "The number of digits of precision implementation-dependent."  I think this statement
is only necessary when the return type is xs:decimal.
If the return type is xs:integer, then there are obviously
0 places precision after the decimal point, and the precision 
above is limited by the implementation-defined maximum and 
minimum values for xs:integer.  If the return type is 
xs:float or xs:double, you can say that the operation,
and hence the precision of the result, is dictated by the 
IEEE floating point standard.  As for xs:decimal, the precision
ought to be implementation-defined rather than 
implementation-dependent, which leaves the user completely in the 
dark about the behavior.

- Steve B.

Received on Tuesday, 16 March 2004 16:59:11 UTC