Re: ORA-SE-297-E: Alphabetization problem


     In [1], you submitted the following comment on the Last Call Working 
Draft of XSLT 2.0 and XQuery 1.0 Serialization.

Stephen Buxton wrote on 2004-02-18 05:22:29 PM:
> SECTION 3: serialization parameters
> The list of parameters appears to be alphabetized, with the 
> exception of the first parameter, encoding.  Perhaps this one
> should be placed in alphabetic order.  Perhaps there should be
> a prefatory note that the parameters are listed in alphabetic 
> order.

     I have applied the first editorial change you suggested, and placed 
all of the parameters in alphabetical order.  I did not feel it was 
necessary to include a prefatory note.  Thank you for submitting your 


Henry Zongaro      Xalan development
IBM SWS Toronto Lab   T/L 969-6044;  Phone +1 905 413-6044

Received on Sunday, 13 June 2004 14:23:27 UTC