[general] length of specifications

Dear XML Query and XSL WGs,

The I18N WG has realized that some of the specifications you are
working on are extremely large, easily on the order of 1MB. While
for people connected to the internet over broadband, this is not
really a problem, this is quite different for somebody who connects
over a slow modem. And around the world, there are still quite a
lot of people relying on modems. We therefore think that it would
be highly advisable to split your specifications into smaller chunks.
In the W3C, there are already quite some examples of how this can
be done, see e.g. the HTML4 spec or some of the DOM specs.

Regards,     Martin.

P.S.; A similar mail, raising this issue in general, is sent to the
       chairs mailing list.

Received on Tuesday, 20 July 2004 09:06:39 UTC