RE: [XQuery] 2.6.3 Full Axis Feature

Thanks for discussing the full-axis feature again. I was not aware of
the static typing problems certain axes might provide. I hope that
vendors will include the optional "Full axis feature" in their products
nevertheless, as this is needed in processing data centered text
encoding in XML.

May I suggest a function providing a workaround to be part of the
specification, this might be part of the "XQuery 1.0 and XPath 2.0
Functions and Operators" standard, probably in setion 15 or 16? I am
aware that there are some workarounds out there, though the
expressiveness is not the same as for the axes (for example referencing
to the "fifth preceeding sibling", instead of the frequently available
"all preceeding sibling" workarounds). As a standard function might
provide grounds for vendors to include it (as some vendors might not
want to provide user defined functions), this might be a great help. The
function might include a cast to the element type (which should be the
default for a sibling axis), avoiding further static typing problems.

Thorsten Trippel
///////// Thorsten Trippel
   //     Computational Linguistics and Spoken Language
  //  //  Research Group: Text technological modelling of information
 //  //   URL:
    //    Bielefeld University, Federal Republic of Germany
///////// Department of Linguistics and Literary Studies     

Received on Friday, 23 January 2004 03:55:57 UTC