XSLT 2.0: 21.1 - Redrafting needed

Section 21.1 is worded in a way which is potentially confusing.

The section starts off with a statement that conformity is required *except* 
where explicitly stated later. However, some later points are expressed as 
requirements. Given the wording of the first sentence of the section those 
later requirements could be taken as things which a basic XSLT processor need 
NOT do. I assume that the intended meaning is the opposite of that.

In an ideal world it might be clearer to list the requirements of a Basic 
processor and then express the requirements for a schema-aware processor as 
additional requirements. If the specifications had been layered differently 
that might have been easier to express than with the present specification 

In any case, it seems to me that Section 21.1 could be worded more clearly.

Andrew Watt

Received on Tuesday, 13 May 2003 10:17:08 UTC