Minor error in XQuery grammar rules

The XQuery grammar specifies this rules in the text (§ 4.4 and § 4.5)

[135]    SchemaImport    ::=    "import" "schema" SchemaPrefix? 
StringLiteral "at" StringLiteral?

[36]    ModuleImport    ::=    "import" "module" ("namespace" NCName "=")? 
StringLiteral "at" StringLiteral?

while the correct ones are reported in the Appendix A

[135]    SchemaImport    ::=    <"import" "schema"> SchemaPrefix? 
StringLiteral <"at" StringLiteral>?

[36]    ModuleImport    ::=    <"import" "module"> ("namespace" NCName 
"=")? StringLiteral <"at" StringLiteral>?

In general, it looks like the rules reported in the text of the specs has 
dropped the "<" ">" symbols used to signal the lexemes.


Received on Monday, 12 May 2003 07:01:46 UTC