RE: question regarding element types in function definitions/XQuery

I can see why this is an issue for discussion; I am having trouble
deciding for myself what I'd like the semantics to be!

Part of me feels that if

element bar

is a reference to a global element definition, then it is extremely
unnatural for

element bar of type xs:integer

to no longer reference that global element.

At the same time, I find it particular confusing to explain the
semantics of 'element bar of type xs:integer' if element bar is already
defined.  If xs:integer is a subtype of the content type of element bar
it makes a little bit of sense (but one could instead use typeswitch and
cast as operators within the function body to achieve similar results).
If xs:integer is not a subtype of element bar's type, at best it's a
static type error and at worst is just plain confusing ('on-the-fly type

I view the world as two different universes of element type, based upon
the two following forms:

(1) element bar

(2) element of type xs:integer

When these are combined, it appears that the WG is struggling to decide
which form restricts which.  Does the 1st form restrict the 2nd form, or
vice-versa?  Maybe there' a third answer -- neither.  Life becomes
easier if

(3) element bar of type xs:integer

is a SYNTAX error.  I argue this as follows:

If (3) means an additional restriction on the global element bar, I
think those semantics are difficult to express for all cases AND it
introduces some potential severe computational complexity for type and
value matching.  I also feel it is potentially confusing to users of
XQuery, many of whom I suspect will believe this to mean a new, locally
defined element bar type.

But locally defined elements whose names clash with globally defined
elements is also a very dangerous addition to the language.  That would
imply to me a static type error for:

define function foo1($i as element bar of type xs:integer) { foo2($i) }

define function foo2($i as element bar) { $i }

because the body of foo1() is calling foo2() with a 'different' element
bar type.

Now, let's take a different approach and say that 'element bar of type
xs:integer' is a restriction of form (2).  That implies to me that the
argument needs to be an element whose name matches the QNameValue "bar"
and whose content has a static type of xs:integer.  This potentially
brings us back to the 'locally defined element type' problem which I
just described.  But what I also find unsettling about this is that it
provides a mechanism to match against element names which is (1) slow
and (2) completely opposite to the 'normal' usage of 'element bar',
which refers to global elements only.  I think this is confusing and
would likely leave most users wondering why they can't use some form of
'element bar' to match against any unvalidated element named bar.  [Of
course, the value of such a capability is another discussion entirely!]

In light of such confusion, I'd argue in favor of syntax error, at least
for version 1.0.

Now, that being said, another alternative I have considered would have
'element bar of type xs:integer' match any element whose type is
xs:integer and whose name is element bar.  However, when bound to the
function argument, the type of the argument would simply be 'element of
type xs:integer'.  In effect, the function argument definition has the
ability to do some element-name filtering, but otherwise is not creating
new types on the fly.  This appears to be the spirit of Use-Case  The question is, does this level of filtering belong at the
function argument level, or should it be reserved for typeswitches in
the function body?

	Just my $0.02,

PS: Another way out, which I strikes me as inappropriate but I'll
mention for completeness, would be to change the language such that:

element bar

is any element whose name is bar and

global element bar

is a reference to the globally defined element bar (and matches against
validated elements).

This has the added bonus of making it easier to deal with unvalidated
elements, especially in light of the fact that 'validate { expr }'
cannot be statically typed and therefore most static-type-based
implementations are currently ignoring the existence of validate {}.

[Alternative to this alternative is to have 'element bar' be the global
reference and 'elementname bar' be the name-matching type, or something
along those lines...]

[or 'element bar' & 'local element bar']

Received on Friday, 21 February 2003 13:13:04 UTC