Re: Heads up - upcoming validator release (now 0.7.4)

olivier Thereaux wrote:

> Great new Frederic, glad that the next stable debian will have these  
> updated packages.
> As a matter of fact (and this is a heads-up again), version 0.7.4  will 
> be released next week. ETA tuesday.
> Changes beetween 0.7.3 and 0.7.4 are mostly about the outline feature  
> and the API, hence probably more relevant to the W3C instance. That  
> said, if etch were to be delayed a little more, sneaking it in would  be 
> great. If not, no big deal.

Version 0.7.4 has just entered Etch (after an somewhat accelerated 
procedure); so if everything goes well and Etch is not delayed too much, 
this is the version that will be provided with the next Debian Stable.


Received on Wednesday, 29 November 2006 16:32:05 UTC