Re: [Bug 705] The Markup Validation Service detects HTML 4.01 Strict as HTML 4.01 Transitional.

On Fri, May 21, 2004, Terje Bless wrote:
> I've moved up the "validator-0_6_6-release" tag to include this fix; now we
> just need to get someone to do "cd sgml-lib/ && cvs up sgml.soc" on
> and we should be good.

Done, also scp'd sgml-lib-0_6_6.tar.gz to proper location.
> Well, except there seems to be a problem with the stylesheets on
> Olivier: Did you do "cvs up -dP" or just "cvs up" when you updated? 

my history tells me -dP (which I usually do). What's the issue with the


Received on Friday, 21 May 2004 05:21:10 UTC