RE: Fwd: [PWE] 2019-02-14 minutes, PR review

Hi Judy,

Thanks for letting me know about this issue. I have explicitly copied Ralph, who thought he had solved the issues we discovered with the email list a few months ago. Ralph, please let me know if I can assist you in figuring out this problem.

I would very much appreciate your feedback on the open PRs and issues. Please note that the comments on the ombuddy training are summaries of existing documentation, and our next step is to move forward with selecting training materials.

I have a conference the week after CSUN, so I can't push off the meeting to the following week. I do look forward to your participation in future meetings.

Thank you,

Tzviya Siegman
Information Standards Lead

From: Judy Brewer <>
Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2019 3:04 PM
To: Siegman, Tzviya <>;
Subject: Re: Fwd: [PWE] 2019-02-14 minutes, PR review

Hi Tzviya,

I only today learned of the PWE meeting that occurred last week. In examining the mailing list, I found that I was not subscribed. It looks like I also missed notifications of PWE meetings in December and January. So sorry to have missed those.

I have since re-subscribed myself (actually, twice, since once seems to not work properly at the moment) but I'm wondering if low attendance might be due to continued problems with the mailing list transition for the group. Did someone already do a comparison of previous and current subscribers? This is not the kind of question one can just ask the people currently on the list...

Looking at February's agenda and the meeting minutes, I would definitely have had comments on the topics of Ombuddy training, and CEPC edits. If you're close to closing out either of those questions, could I have a few days to catch up please, and to potentially offer comments on those?

With regard to meeting times, the regular meeting time works for me, but not for March 14, which will be during the CSUN 2019 Conference.

I could be available the following Thursday instead, if that works for others.

Thank you,

- Judy

-------- Forwarded Message --------

[PWE] 2019-02-14 minutes, PR review


Thu, 14 Feb 2019 20:46:44 +0000



Thu, 14 Feb 2019 20:46:18 +0000


Siegman, Tzviya <><>

To:<> <><>

Hi All,

Here are minutes from today's PWE meeting [1]. Thanks to Ralph and Rachel for scribing,

Please review the open Pull Requests on the CEPC [2] and offer your feedback. We are planning to provide a revised version of the CEPC in advance of the AC meeting in April. Your feedback is most welcome. If you do not have any comments but find these changes acceptable, please provide that as feedback in GitHub.

We have had very limited attendance at our meetings. The next meeting is scheduled for 2019-03-14 at 1400 UTC [3]. Please let me know whether or not you will be able to attend. If I don't hear from a quorum of members by 20 February, then we will look for a new time.

Thank you,


Tzviya Siegman
Information Standards Lead

Received on Wednesday, 20 February 2019 21:18:35 UTC