Problem: pubrules <=> HTML5 validator

Recently, I noticed HTML5 errors in a draft REC document that validated 
fine a few weeks ago. I sent mail to <> [1]. It 
turns out that it was a conscious decision to generate an error for this 
feature (for stylistic reasons), despite the fact that it is fine 
according to the HTML5 spec.

If this becomes normal practice, then HTML validation as part of 
pubrules is problematic.  I suggest this gets resolved within W3C. 
Either the Webmaster should not complain to chairs/editors about 
validator bugs or the validator should flag only real errors.

Note: Michael Smith (cc) suggested to me, that I can tell the Webmaster 
to ignore these bugs. But how can I know as chair or editor which bugs 
are not real bugs? Other people are likely to run into exactly the same 
problem, and will be unaware it poses no pubrules problem.

Thanks in advance for resolving this,

Guus Schreiber
RDF WG co-chair


Received on Thursday, 6 February 2014 20:17:05 UTC