Re: EPUBCheck v4.2.0-alpha-1 released: a preview of (partial) EPUB 3.2 support!

Wow! Congratulations!

On Mon, Jan 14, 2019 at 7:26 AM Romain <> wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> The first preview release of EPUBCheck v4.2.0 (alpha 1), which provides
> initial (but limited) support for checking conformance to EPUB 3.2, is now
> available at the following page:
> It essentially consists in updates to the schemas for Package Documents
> and Content Documents. Most notably, EPUBCheck now uses the latest schemas
> from the Nu Html Checker, which are kept up-to-date with latest changes in
> the HTML standard. This is already a major step towards the full support of
> EPUB 3.2!
> Some old HTML features or elements have been deprecated or removed from
> HTML and are now reported as errors. It will be particularly important to
> test these alpha/beta versions of EPUBCheck as widely as possible, so that
> we can work towards a solid EPUB 3.2 support in due time (smile).
> There are still many things left to implement before we can claim full
> conformance to the EPUB 3.2 specifications however; these are tracked as
> issues labelled as "spec: EPUB 3.2" in our issue tracker:
> As always, feedback is welcome, via replies to this email or directly to
> our issue tracker on GitHub:
> Best,
> Romain.
> --
> Romain Deltour – @rdeltour
> Software and standards development
> The DAISY Consortium

Received on Monday, 14 January 2019 16:41:49 UTC