Re: Thoughts on rechartering and the future of publications on the web

Dear Luc,
thank you very much for these comments and clarifications.

EPUB 3.2
From the point of view of an organization representing Italian publishers I fully agree with them.
We are pushing the Italian publishing ecosystem (not only publishers but also retailers, online bookstore etc) to move to EPUB 3, that IMO is now the most important goal to achieve in a short period of time and to have a whole stable EPUB 3 ecosystem is the requirement for it.

For audio we are verifying the requirements of Italian publishers and we will work on it.

Web Publication
I agree with the need of more practical approach taking in consideration concrete publishing uses cases and the processes of the whole digital publishing supply chain, from authoring to distributing to user content consuming. I believe that there are market segments (academic/professional/education) where the possibility to have a unique format for downloadable and streaming publication will be very welcomed.

All my best

Data: lunedì 19 novembre 2018 11:26
A: W3C Publishing Business Group <>
Oggetto: Re: Thoughts on rechartering and the future of publications on the web
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Data rinvio: lunedì 19 novembre 2018 11:26

Ok not all of this is pure Web but it doesn’t matter for EPUB : it does the job !

What the pub industry needs today with EPUB is a stable and clear eco-system to reinforce the adoption and usage of EPUB3.
With the umbrella of W3C, we are at this very moment in progress to achieve that goal with EPUB3.2 CG Report and epubcheck revision with a EPUB3.2 validation in Q2 2019.

This momentum is a unique chance to make trad publishers stop producing EPUB2 and come  to a much better technological, accessible, user friendly environment.

In this global view, you will not be surprised that I believe making EPUB3.2 a REC is not a good idea. It will not only take energy and time from the WG, it will also put EPUB3 out of reach of the pub industry!
We all know that W3C full members fees are unaffordable for almost all publishing houses around the world, and not only the fees, but also the

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