Re: Thoughts on rechartering and the future of publications on the web


Although I do not think that I can persuade people, here are my opinions.

1) Stop WP and PWP.
2) Make clear what is missing in the OWP.
    A prioritized list of desiderata would be a nice output.
3) Disband the steering committee, which consists of IDPF people and
publishers only.
    We might want to create a community group of publishers, instead.
4) Serious maintenance of EPUB3.
5) Participate in the CSS WG for better pagination.  (Dave, you do this
6) Extend HTML by introducing spines that do not waste memory.
7) Address the origin problem, which you mentioned in your tweet, in a
generalized manner.
     We heard some nice work in the TPAC
8) Address the URI problem, which you also mentioned in your tweet.
9) Best practices for using service workers for publishing.


Praying for the victims of the Japan Tohoku earthquake


Received on Friday, 16 November 2018 23:49:58 UTC