Re: ISO/IEC standardization of EPUB 3.0.1 and EPUB A11Y 1.0

On 8/29/2018 7:04 AM, MURATA Makoto wrote:
> Dear colleagues,
> I am very sorry for missing the last teleconference of the PBG.
> I was sick and was thus unable to stay awake.  Let me report
> the current status of the ISO/IEC standardization of EPUB 3.0.1
> and EPUB A11Y 1.0.
> 1. Decisions of the PBG meeting
> In the PBG meeting on April 24 [1], we adopted the recommendation
> of a task force for creating ISO/IEC specifications for EPUB 3.X
> and EPUB A11Y.  The recommendation is basically
> ISO/IEC standardization of EPUB 3.0.1 and EPUB Accessibility 1.0.
> [1]
> 2. EPUB 3.0.1
> To publish EPUB 3.0.1 as International Standards, the PBG sent two
> liaison statements.  Daniel Dardailler (W3C Director of International
> Relations) does not see any problems with these liaison statements.
> In the first liaison statement [2], we asked SC34/JWG7 not to publish
> 3.0.1 as Technical Specifications.  In the second liaison statement
> [3], we asked Korea to submit 3.0.1 as DISs by the fast-track
> procedure.
> I heard from Yong-Sang Cho of Korea that Korean NB submitted EPUB
> 3.0.1 via the fast-track procedure on August 6.  Voting is expected to
> start soon.
> [2]
> [3]
> 3. EPUB A11Y 1.0
> To publish EPUB Accessibility 1.0 as an International Standard, Japan
> prepared a draft of a new work item proposal [4].  Japan requested
> SC34/JWG7 to discuss this proposal in the upcoming SC34/JWG7 meeting
> on September 12.  Japan plans to officially submit this proposal and
> start a ballot after the meeting.
> Daniel Dardailler confirmed that W3C has no issue with this
> transposition, although he did suggest another possibility: creating a
> W3C recommendation for EPUB A11Y first and then sending it to JTC1 via
> the PAS procedure.  Members of the task force (mentioned above) think
> that his suggestion is a very useful input for the standardization
> of EPUB A11Y 1.1 (not 1.0) and beyond.

Thanks Murata for running this down.

Is someone supposed to have an action relative to EPUB A11Y 1.1?

> [4]
> Regards,
> Makoto

Received on Wednesday, 29 August 2018 12:31:55 UTC