Re: [EPUB Roadmap] EPUB3 Justification call

Good news indeed!
It will definitively on the agenda of PBG EPUB ROADMAP TF next month.

De : Brian O'Leary <<>>
Date : lundi 13 août 2018 à 17:08
Cc : "<>" <<>>
Objet : Re: [EPUB Roadmap] EPUB3 Justification call

Within BISG, we have several projects related to EPUB 3 adoption. The first was a survey conducted in the late winter that got limited pickup. Right now, we have outreach efforts that will hopefully push publishers, conversion houses, and EPUB aggregators and distributors to specify EPUB 3 as the preferred format. Bill Kasdorf chairs the committee that is responsible for these efforts, and Joshua Tallent has been leading the outreach efforts. We just had our August call for the content structure committee, and the PBG isn't meeting this month, so it might make the most sense to ask Bill or Joshua to provide an update to you directly.

On Mon, Aug 13, 2018 at 3:30 AM, AUDRAIN LUC <<>> wrote:
Dear Brian,

In the EPUB ROAMAP TF, we heard about vendors sending a message on « EPUB3 being preferred to EPUB2 », a message that BISG was seeking from them.

Do you have any news about that? It would be helpful to add it to the document or to communicate jointly.

As a matter of fact, George Kersher did wrote an introduction to the document :

To be considered too in a global communication.


De : Brian O'Leary <<>>
Date : vendredi 10 août 2018 à 14:51
Cc : "<>" <<>>
Objet : Re: [EPUB Roadmap] EPUB3 Justification call

The link was discussed during a content structure committee call. It was on the open web, so we didn’t see a problem pointing it. My apologies for the early notice.

We try to do what we can to promote W3C efforts to the BISG audience. We are primarily a US-focused organization, but the market is among the largest for EPUB consumption, so the work is useful for the W3C. If we need to coordinate more closely with you before promoting things, we can do that.

Sent from my iPhone

On Aug 10, 2018, at 3:42 AM, AUDRAIN LUC <<>> wrote:

Hi all,

BISG has released a tweet today on the white paper we have been working on in the EPUB Roadmap TF.

I wanted to present it in a future PBG call but as it is now public, here it is:
Here is the link :

Any comments are welcome of course.

And I think we should publish it in a W3C blog. Ivan, is it possible?


Brian F. O'Leary
Executive Director, Book Industry Study Group
232 Madison Avenue, Suite 1400
New York, NY 10016

(646) 336-7141 office
(973) 985-9880 mobile

Received on Monday, 13 August 2018 16:02:54 UTC