Re: Draft EPUB Survey: Feedback requested

I have a few more corrections to make, and I should generate a new url for the official survey. Give me a couple of hours...

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> On Feb 9, 2020, at 7:04 PM, McCloy-Kelley, Liisa <> wrote:
> George-
> From what Dave mentioned on Friday, it doesn’t look like there is easy navigation to jump from the beginning of the survey to a particular section. Dave was able to add a question at the end of the EPUB Creators and Developers section that lets you skip the Retailer and Reading Systems if you don’t work on that.
> I added the list of sections to the intro email so that people would see the sections ahead of time and hopefully click through.
> Any other comments before we send this?
> Thanks so much to everyone for the feedback and testing!
> Liisa
> From: George Kerscher <>
> Date: Sunday, February 9, 2020 at 6:32 PM
> To: Dave Cramer <>, 'W3C Publishing Steering Committee' <>
> Subject: RE: Draft EPUB Survey: Feedback requested
> Resent-From: <>
> Resent-Date: Sunday, February 9, 2020 at 6:32 PM
> Hello all,
> I made a comment in the announcement Googledoc.
> If I wanted to go to one section, how would I get there? I see a prev, and next, but no way to go to a section I might be interested ifn.
> I think I was following the latest link.
> Best
> George
> From: Dave Cramer <> 
> Sent: Wednesday, February 5, 2020 3:20 PM
> To: W3C Publishing Steering Committee <>
> Subject: Draft EPUB Survey: Feedback requested
> Hi PubSteerCoFolks!
> We have a draft of the survey ready in SurveyMonkey. You can actually take the survey at
> I've been working on the survey organization, which is somewhat constrained by what SurveyMonkey allows.
> Right now my major concern is about Sections 5 for Educators, and Section 6 for Governmental and Corporate Publications. Many of the questions in these sections may come across as proselytizing. I wonder if we can integrate these sections into the rest of the survey, while also reducing the number of questions (we have 85 right now). We are not focusing on other specific sectors of the industry in the same way, and I have also worked on language to make most of the questions less book-specific (hi Bill!) and perhaps a tiny bit less trade-specific.
> Please provide feedback by email. You can take the survey to see how it feels, but don't put your thoughtful answers in just yet :)
> Thanks,
> Dave

Received on Monday, 10 February 2020 00:20:39 UTC