Re: epubcheck rfp - final details


How to annonce: I would say all the letters and Twitter around ePub:

#eprdctn, epubsecrets, Inclusive Publishing, and many more

Let’s start a list.


Le 8 juin 2018 à 22:16, Siegman, Tzviya <<>> a écrit :

Hi All,

Some final details to nail down before we send out the epubcheck RFP next week:

  1.  Contact Person: Rick, you were volunteered in your absence. I was wondering though if we should just use this email address (<>) so that the responses are archived.
  2.  Where are posting this? Rachel suggested the epubcheck GitHub repository. Romain Deltour confirmed that this is fine with him as long as it’s just a page on the wiki ( I can prepare that next week if everyone is okay with it.
  3.  How are we announcing this? Is there a letter?

Other issues that can be addressed at the next SC meeting
Review Committee:
Liisa, Rachel, and I proposed the following people as a review committee:
Romain Deltour (even though there is potential conflict of interest if DAISY bids on this, I don’t see how we can assess a proposal without Romain’s input)
Tobias Fischer (other than Romain, Tobias is the only person who has made meaningful contributions to epubcheck in the last few years)
Brady Duga – Brady participated in the efforts to revive epubcheck and had some good ideas about renovating the site (and no good deed goes unpunished)
Someone from the HTML Validator team and / or testing (possible SpecOps) – our ultimate goal is to work better with W3C tooling, so it would make sense to loop someone in.

This list is distinctly lacking the female of the species. We considered asking Marisa DeMeglio as well. It might be odd to have 2 people from DAISY. Who else should be on this list?

We of course have to confirm that these people are available in July/August to review the submissions and that they are willing to participate.


Tzviya Siegman
Information Standards Lead

Received on Friday, 8 June 2018 21:18:32 UTC