ISO recommendations from the publishing sub-group identified by the SC

Dear Steering Committee, with CC   to the ISO sub committee,
As you recall at our last SC call, it was decided to form a sub-group of ISO
knowledgeable people to make a recommendation. We have come to concensis. We
held a tele conference on September 28 and then revised the edits to our
notes. Below are the discussion notes and at the end is the summary of
recommendations and action items.
ISO recommendation to PBG-SC notes
September 28, 2017
Present: Yong-Sang , Makoto, Cristina, Avneesh, George,
Regrets: Luc
Yong-Sang: The voting on EPUB 3.0.1 is moving forward in JTC1. Nine votes
and only Japan voted against, because they want EPUB 3.0.1an to become
International Standard instead of a TS. This means the ballot has been
approved under JTC1. There will be one required ISO comment resolution
meeting where decision will be made on what to do with the negative vote
from Japan, plus other votes and comments that come in from   Tc 100 and TC
46 ballots that are still out. 
We submitted EPUb 3.0 as TS because HTML 5 was immature at that time.
Makoto: I believe that 3.0.1 is mature enough for an IS.  
Yong-Sang:  Yes HTML 5 is now mature, and 3.0.1 is already a Korean National
Standard. But Korea does not have resources  to move forward with an
elaborate process. This is why we submitted TS
Makoto: under the fast track, only the cover page would need to change. 
Yong-sang: If this is correct. Then we can consider to move it as IS. EPUB
3.0.1 as TS has got 8 votes and 1 negative vote, so it has passed, but we
will go what is better for community.
Avneesh: Technically there is not much difference between EPUB 3 and 3.0.1
so when EPUB 3.0 is already TS, submitting EPUB 3.0.1 as TS does not give
any major benefit. But if EPUB 3.0.1 is submitted as IS then it brings in
many benefits.
George and Cristina: Yes, especially for EPUB accessibility specification,
it will also become IS if EPUB 3.0.1 becomes IS.
Cristina: it will be important to have EPUB accessibility specification as
standard also for future standardization at EU level
Yongsang: Ok if it brings benefits we can consider it, but we have not
received the decision from TC 100 and TC 46 yet. We will be able to have
comments resolution committee meeting only after that. Then we can decide on
submitting EPUB 3.0.1 as IS. If W3C is moving it forward, there may be other
options also to consider in the meeting.
Makoto: Korea can move forward EPUB 3.0.1 through fast track procedure
because it is national standard there, but we will need to submit EPUB
accessibility Specs through normal procedure. This is the only way, EPUB
accessibility cannot go through fast track of either Korea or W3C. It will
go through normal procedure with three ballots. Japan will put the EPUB
Accessibility Specification forward as an IS. This should work if 3.0.1 is
moved forward as an IS. The EPUB Accessibility Specification will need to be
revised using language approved by ISO, shall, etc. Because the EPUB
Accessibility Specification is fairly short and references WCAG 2.0, which
is already an ISO Standard and also references EPUB generically , and with
3.0.1 as an IS, it should sail through fairly easily.
George: I have to vote for it, what should I do.
Makoto: If you want EPUB 3.0.1 as IS, then please vote no.
George: Other issue is that some people pointed out that if we move ahead
with EPUB 3.0.1 in ISO, it will stop adoption of EPUB 3.1.
Makoto: I do not think so. ISO standardization usually happens after
specifications are available in industry. And we do not have any good option
for EPUB 3.1. It is not national standard in Korea so it can not go through
their fast track, neither it can go through W3C fast track. It can only go
through normal procedure and in that route there is a theoretical threat
that the ISO copy of EPUB 3.0.1 may become different from W3C/IDPF EPUB
3.0.1 because the specification has to be rewritten in ISO language, and it
is also huge amount of work.
Cristina: Can we just show that we are interested in 3.1 ISO?
George: It is a lot of work. But I would say submit 3 of specifications to
ISO, EPUB 3.0.1, EPUB 3.1 and EPUB accessibility specifications. Can Japan
submit both EPUB 3.1 and EPUB accessibility specification?
Makoto: It is possible, I do not think it is a problem for work item
proposal. But preparing the draft is lot of work.
Avneesh: What are plans of Korea for making EPUB 3.1 as their national
Yong-Sang: Actually it comes from industry, and Korean industry has not
moved to EPUB 3.1. So, it is not going to happen in near future.
Avneesh: Taking EPUB .1 through normal procedure will need a lot of work, I
am concerned about it. what if we just submit EPUB 3.1 to ISO under normal
procedure to show that we are serious about EPUB 3.1 also. And wait for
doing further work. In 1 or 2 years Korea may make it their national
standard and then the fast track procedure will be available for EPUB 3.1
and we will be able to bypass the labor intensive route.
So, Korea submits EPUB 3.0.1 as IS. Makoto also submits EPUB Accessibility
Specification as IS under normal procedure. Then to avoid a misperception
that we are neglecting EPUB 3.1, Makoto also submits EPUB 3.1 as IS, under
normal procedure, and wait for Korea to make it national standard.
George: Is there a time limit for this process?
Makoto: 2 years for first draft is ok.
Yong-sang: There are 3 timelines 24 months, 36 months and 48 months.
Makoto: quite often SC 34 is late. I am not concerned about the time limit.
George: 24 should be fine. It will give us time to create infrastructure for
EPUB 3.1.
Cristina: How can I support from Italy.
Avneesh: Italy can vote in favor of Makoto's submission.
Cristina: I will get in touch with W3C office in Italy and see how I can get
in touch with ISO people in Italy through them.
Summary of recommendations and actions
-Notes will be circulated to the sub-group for accuracy
-Makoto and Yong-Sang   will confirm that only the cover sheet  needs to be
revised to change the TS to anise, if it is right, Korea will submit EPUB
3.0.1 as IS.
-Approved notes will be sent to the PWG-SC with our recommendations and
action items.
-After SC approval, George will vote in NISO (TC 46) against EPUB 3.0.1 as a
TS and recommend it be moved forward as an International Standard. Comments
will also recommend that the EPUB Accessibility Specification be moved
forward as an IS. Finally, the comments will indicate that EPUB 3.1 should
begin the process for standardization as an International Standard.
- Japan will submit a new work item proposal for the EPUB Accessibility
Specification as an International Standard under the normal ISO process.
We will then need to prepare the ISO version of EPUB accessibility
-Makoto will confirm that the specification can be made freely available
-Yong-Sang  at the ISO Comment meeting will recommend that the balloting be
revised to have EPUB 3.0.1 as an International Standard in the Fast Track
Makoto will try to make Japan submit a new work item proposal for EPUB 3.1
under a time frame that allows for improving the infrastructure (epubcheck)
for EPUB 3.1.
-Makoto will confirm that the EPUB 3.1 specification can be made freely
- After the Steering Committee's decision, we will bring the business group
and the community group in to the loop for work items.

Received on Sunday, 1 October 2017 17:02:21 UTC