Re: Draft Agenda for July 11 SC meeting

Sorry I missed the call today, but I was blocked in a traffic jam due a car incident without possibility to connect.

I’ve arrived home few minutes ago…


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Da: Rick <>
Data: giovedì 6 luglio 2017 17:03
A: "'PBG Steering Committee (Public)'" <>, Rachel Comerford <>, Dave Cramer <>
Oggetto: Draft Agenda for July 11 SC meeting
Rinviato da: "'PBG Steering Committee (Public)'" <>
Data rinvio: giovedì 6 luglio 2017 17:03

Note:  Per our last discussion, I have added the chairs of the CG (Dave and Rachel) to this meeting.

Draft Agenda for July 11 steering committee meeting:

  *   ISO update (Bill M and Christina)
  *   Publishing Summit program committee update
  *   Discussion of the status of items in and communication going forward
  *   EDUPUB update (referencing )
  *   Discussion of action from Brian’s recommendation
  *   “finding our voice” discussion
  *   Summer schedule reminders

Usual time/day (Tuesday’s at noon eastern)

Participation will be on the #pbgsc IRC channel at

Reminder that the connection information for our calls changed recently:

* Meeting Number: 647 643 774
* Web Access:

Received on Tuesday, 11 July 2017 18:51:12 UTC