no meeting on 13 May

Hi All,

Thanks for a great F2F.

We will not meet on Monday 13 May to give people some time to recover from their travels.

The proposed agenda for 20 May is:

* Minutes approval
* Overview of F2F
* Testing plan and VOLUNTEERING. We especially need a testing project manager
* Timeline review for publications:
** WP to CR (Matt) - end of September
** audiobooks (Wendy)  FPWD end of May, CR end of September
** Packaging/distibution (Laurent) - June 30
** implementation documentation (Matt, Tzviya) - June 30
** UCR (Franco, Josh) - June 30
* Packaging/Distribution issue review (Laurent, Issue list to come)

Thank you,

Tzviya Siegman
Information Standards Lead

Received on Wednesday, 8 May 2019 15:50:46 UTC