Re: Web Application Manifest (WAM) Task Force (TF)

Hi all!

Romain and I have decided that I was correct on Monday's call and that there will indeed *not* be a call tomorrow (as per the email below).

At this point, we'd encourage *everyone* with any interested in balancing the force with regard to WAM and WPs to add your comments to any of the issues listed in our project:

We will continue the conversations across those issues, and work through them on a future (yet to be scheduled) call sometime in April.

Apologies for any confusion caused.


Benjamin & Romain


From: Benjamin Young
Sent: Wednesday, March 14, 2018 9:46:59 AM
To: W3C Publishing Working Group
Cc: Hadrien Gardeur; Ivan Herman; Cole, Timothy W; Xu, Zheng | KGB; Leonard Rosenthol; Matt Garrish
Subject: Re: Web Application Manifest (WAM) Task Force (TF)

Thanks to everyone who responded to the WAM TF Doodle poll!

Based on those results, I'm going to recommend that we meet twice this month:

 - March 16th (this Friday) @ 1pm EDT (UTC-4)

 - March 28th (2 weeks from today) @ 10 am EDT (UTC-4)

I'll be choosing those in Doodle shortly, so everyone who responded should also send out a notification with timezone adjusted goodness.

In the Friday's call we'll focus on curating the issues list and confirming which things we'll focus on over the next couple weeks and plan some actions/discussions. Then in the follow-up call on the 28th, we'll check-in on the progress made on the issues we've chosen to focus on (as well as plan another call in April).

Thanks for everyone's interest! More info coming shortly.



From: Benjamin Young
Sent: Monday, March 12, 2018 4:30:47 PM
To: W3C Publishing Working Group
Cc: Hadrien Gardeur; Ivan Herman; Cole, Timothy W; Xu, Zheng | KGB; Leonard Rosenthol; Matt Garrish
Subject: Web Application Manifest (WAM) Task Force (TF)

Hi all!

Romain and I are chairing the Web Application Manifest (WAM) Task Force (TF) and would love your participation!

By way of reminder, the goals of this task force are to:

- triage, summarize, and clarify the GitHub issues related to possible uses of WAM in the context of Web Publications

- identify what we can already propose as WAM extensions (e.g. a reader display mode?)

- identify what layers we could need on top of WAM (e.g. a WAM object model API?)

- identify what needs further architectural discussion

- prepare the liaison with the Web Platform Working Group, and perhaps with the TAG too

- refine or redefine use cases to present to WPWG and TAG

- open and track issues on WAM’s GitHub repository

Below is a link to a poll for our first call:

The following people have mentioned particular interest in participating:
- Tim Cole
- Ivan Herman
- Zheng Xu
- Leonard Rosenthol
- Matt Garrish
- Hadrien Gardeur
(+ Romain and myself...of course)

Please review the Doodle pool, and we look forward to your participation!
Benjamin & Romain


Received on Tuesday, 27 March 2018 19:43:00 UTC