Web Application Manifest (WAM) Task Force (TF)

Hi all!

Romain and I are chairing the Web Application Manifest (WAM) Task Force (TF) and would love your participation!

By way of reminder, the goals of this task force are to:

- triage, summarize, and clarify the GitHub issues related to possible uses of WAM in the context of Web Publications

- identify what we can already propose as WAM extensions (e.g. a reader display mode?)

- identify what layers we could need on top of WAM (e.g. a WAM object model API?)

- identify what needs further architectural discussion

- prepare the liaison with the Web Platform Working Group, and perhaps with the TAG too

- refine or redefine use cases to present to WPWG and TAG

- open and track issues on WAM’s GitHub repository

Below is a link to a Doodle.com poll for our first call:


The following people have mentioned particular interest in participating:
- Tim Cole
- Ivan Herman
- Zheng Xu
- Leonard Rosenthol
- Matt Garrish
- Hadrien Gardeur
(+ Romain and myself...of course)

Please review the Doodle pool, and we look forward to your participation!
Benjamin & Romain




Received on Monday, 12 March 2018 20:31:18 UTC