Re: [affordances] Scheduling: TF Kickoff Call

Great to see kick start meeting going ahead.
Unfortunately, most of the timings are not suitable for Asia. There is only one day when I can attend.
For world wide participation, best timings are 14, 15, 16 and 17 UTC. But most of these options exclude these timings.

With regards
From: Teixeira, Mateus 
Sent: Thursday, March 8, 2018 22:13
To: ; Xu, Zheng | KGB ; Avneesh Singh ; AUDRAIN LUC ; Laurent Le Meur ; Schindler Wolfgang Dr. ; Katie Haritos-Shea ; Franco Alvarado ; Hadrien Gardeur ; Matt Garrish ; Jasmine Mulliken 
Cc: W3C Publishing Working Group ; Siegman, Tzviya - Hoboken ; Ivan Herman ; Garth Conboy 
Subject: [affordances] Scheduling: TF Kickoff Call

Hi everyone,


Thanks for your responses to the call for participation. The following people expressed interest in joining the task force:


  a.. Deborah Kaplan 
  b.. Zheng Xu 
  c.. Avneesh Singh 
  d.. Luc Audrain 
  e.. Laurent Le Meur 
  f.. Hadrien Gardeur 
  g.. Wolfgang Schindler 
  h.. Katie Haritos-Shea 
  i.. Matt Garrish 
  j.. Franco Alvarado

We have participants across many time zones! Can the people above please suggest meeting times at this Doodle Poll within the next 48 hours?


Of course, the TF call is open to anyone in the PWG, but we’ll prioritize call times that work for TF members.


Thank you,





Mateus Manço Teixeira

Co-Director, The Norton Lab

Manager, Ebook Production


W. W. Norton & Company

Independent Publishers Since 1923

500 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10110




From: "Teixeira, Mateus" <>
Date: Monday, March 5, 2018 at 11:23 AM
To: W3C Publishing Working Group <>
Cc: "Garth Conboy (" <>, Ivan Herman <>, Jasmine Mulliken <>, "Siegman, Tzviya - Hoboken" <>
Subject: [affordances] Call for Participation: PWG Affordances Task Force
Resent-From: <>
Resent-Date: Monday, March 5, 2018 at 11:23 AM


Hello PWG,


Following up on Tzviya’s announcement at last week’s call, Jasmine and I are now calling for participation in the Affordances Task Force. For a comprehensive overview of the ongoing discussions around affordances, please check the growing list of open Github issues. [1]


The goal of this TF is to formalize the technical requirements for publication-specific affordances so they can be integrated into the Web Publications specification. [2]


We welcome and encourage participation from anyone, regardless of self-perceived technical fluency. Affordances need input from both the technical and non-technical perspectives.


The scope of our work, initial work items, timeline, and “administrivia” are all outlined in detail in the spin-up document in Google Docs. [3]


If you are interested in joining the task force and contributing to this work, please respond to this email by Wednesday, 3/7. We will schedule our inaugural call soon after.



Mateus and Jasmine









Mateus Manço Teixeira

Co-Director, The Norton Lab

Manager, Ebook Production


W. W. Norton & Company

Independent Publishers Since 1923

500 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10110


Received on Friday, 9 March 2018 05:19:27 UTC