Re: [affordances] Call for Participation: PWG Affordances Task Force

Starting from <> and Benjamin's feedback, I suggest that we first defined the term in our context. And in <>, Gibson's definition is of no real help for us. I personally prefer the information given in the section "As perceived action possibilities" -> those action possibilities that are readily perceivable by an actor.

In a generic way, an entity provides an affordance to an actor. And we are dealing with an actor - the User - and two entities: the User Agent and the Web Publication. 
So we get two kinds of affordances:
1/ The User Agent (after having loaded a Web Publication) provides affordances to the User (think about the reader mode in Firefox)
2/ The Web Publication itself provides affordances to the User (think about interactive ebooks)

My take is that our work as a task force is to focus on item 1 = what the User Agent must/should/may present to the User as possible actions (for enjoying a great reading experience). 
Would there be a consensus around that interpretation? 


Laurent Le Meur

> Le 6 mars 2018 à 18:17, Jasmine Mulliken <> a écrit :
> Hi, Katie. In this context "affordances" refer to the what web publications can offer that current electronic reading experiences don't necessarily--at least in a web browser. You could also see them as "features." Here is the open list we'll be looking at: <>
> Hope this helps!
> Best,
> Jasmine
> From: Katie Haritos-Shea < <>>
> Sent: Tuesday, March 6, 2018 8:29:20 AM
> To: Schindler Wolfgang Dr.
> Cc: Teixeira, Mateus; W3C Publishing Working Group; Garth Conboy ( <>); Ivan Herman; Jasmine Mulliken; Siegman, Tzviya - Hoboken
> Subject: Re: [affordances] Call for Participation: PWG Affordances Task Force
> Mateus and Jasmine,
> Question: Is the 'affordances' the same as the term 'accommodations' that is used in the US?
> Thanks!

Received on Wednesday, 7 March 2018 10:44:36 UTC