Re: Pursuing the wrong goal? (was Re: A followup/writeup on our Monday discussions (was Re: Continuing discussion on Polyfills))

I may be sticking my naive and non-technical neck out here, but I have been
preaching for years that what we want is a single format that just opens in
an ereader like iBooks or Kobo or a browser like Chrome or Edge or any
other conformant reading system based on, for example, Readium--a file that
is pure OWP. Isn't that a real value, and isn't it the case that that
doesn't exist yet? Even though, admittedly, Edge now does pretty much open
EPUB and the next release of Literatum (big in the scholarly world) will
too, current EPUB, with its XML and its @epub:type etc. etc. is not that

*Bill Kasdorf*
*Principal, Kasdorf & Associates*
+1 734-904-6252


On Sun, Feb 25, 2018 at 6:21 AM, MURATA Makoto <>

> Folks,
> Since the beginning of EPUB 3.1, I have been skeptical.
> I have always thought that we spend too much energy on
> minor details such as JSON, the HTML syntax of HTML5,
> packaging formats, manifest formats, and so forth.  We
> have apparently failed to achieve W3C-wide consensus
> about (if any) fundamental differences between the
> current OWP and e-book world.
> I think that we should spend more time on errata (or
> maintenance releases), accessibility issues, ISO/IEC
> standardization, and epubcheck.  Such works are
> certainly useful.  I am not yet convinced if (P)WP has
> any real values.
> Regards,
> Makoto

Received on Monday, 26 February 2018 15:41:51 UTC