Re: definition of Web Publication

Matt – you’re still thinking formal publication (book, article, etc.)   Consider a memo, a birthday card, etc.  Those are all things that hopefully will be WPs one day, but are clearly not (IMO) artistic or intellectual works.

Also, you are forcing a specific implementation here by saying that the manifest “links them together”.  We don’t know if that will indeed be the case of what the manifest does – so let’s not start putting such things into our definitions.


From: Matt Garrish <>
Date: Monday, July 24, 2017 at 1:36 PM
To: "'Siegman, Tzviya - Hoboken'" <>, 'W3C Publishing Working Group' <>
Subject: RE: definition of Web Publication
Resent-From: <>
Resent-Date: Monday, July 24, 2017 at 1:36 PM

It's a somewhat vague definition, I find. What really sets it apart from a web page or web site, for example? Those have constituent resources, are uniquely identifiable and viewable using OWP technologies. It also leaves open the question of what "organized together" means.

I hate writing quick responses to terminology, but something like the following would be more where my thinking is:

A Web Publication (WP) is a representation of an artistic or intellectual work using Open Web Platform technologies. It is defined by a collection of constituent resources linked together through a manifest.


From: Siegman, Tzviya - Hoboken []
Sent: July 24, 2017 1:04 PM
To: W3C Publishing Working Group <>
Subject: definition of Web Publication

The DPUB IG proposed a definition of Web Publications [1, 2]

Here are the short definitions. Please see [1] for the longer definition.

•  A Web Publication (WP) is a collection of one or more constituent resources, organized together in a uniquely identifiable grouping that may be presented using standard Open Web Platform technologies.
•  A Packaged Web Publication (PWP) is a Web Publication<> whose constituent resources are combined into a single distributable file, using some standard packaging format.
•  In this document, manifest refers to an abstract means to contain information necessary to the proper management, rendering, and so on, of a publication. This is opposed to metadata that contains information on the content of the publication like author, publication date, and so on. The precise format of how such a manifest is stored is not considered in this document.

If you are happy with these definitions, a simple +1 vote is sufficient. If you are not, please vote -1 and propose revisions.

Thank you,


Tzviya Siegman
Information Standards Lead

Received on Monday, 24 July 2017 18:27:51 UTC