Re: Identifying a book on the Web today

> For PWP the situation is a little bit more complex because the package may
> be 'elsewhere', ie, not on the Web but, if we regard (which I think is the
> case) a PWP some sort of a frozen version of a WP through some packaging,
> then the internal structure of a PWP would 100% reflect its 'exploded' WP
> ancestry.
> Bottom line: I do not see the problem. But that may only be me.

For a PWP that has a WP ancestry, this is fairly easy to handle and we can
simply references all resources using their URL, no matter the context
(packaged or not).
For PWP with no prior WP ancestry, this might be more difficult, but I
don't think that this is an issue that needs to be addressed now.


Received on Friday, 4 August 2017 10:00:34 UTC