Re: Identifying a book on the Web today

> When it comes to identifiers:
> - We are going to have URLs that function as locators and (if an
> identifier is omitted) serves as an identifier.
> - We are going to need a discovery mechanism (almost certainly a link of
> some sort).
> - We are going to need to support other identifiers, IRIs generally and
> URN namespaces specifically for ISBN support (without requiring their
> presence, as URLs can function in their place if the author chooses to omit
> one).

 Completely agree that these are the three points that we should be

Currently I think that the situation is the following:

   - no consensus on the first point, most of the discussions on Github
   were about that (single vs multiple locators, using a locator as an
   - discovery seems very easy to have a consensus for, we'll just have to
   figure out the context in which discovery can happen (anywhere on the Web
   vs the publication itself)
   - I don't think that we've truly discussed the last point, but I hope
   that we won't have to be too specific (if we can agree that this identifier
   is an IRI and say nothing else, I would be much more comfortable with the

Received on Thursday, 3 August 2017 15:44:43 UTC