Re: Complexity/simplicty redux

On 06/05/2012 12:01, Paul Groth wrote:
> Graham,
> Don't we do something simliar with starting points in both prov-o and
> prov-dm? I don't really see how what we have is more complicated. We
> have what is considered a base and then we build off that. The group
> had concerns about calling some things "core" and "not core". That's
> why we use starting points.

"Starting points" doesn't do it for me, because it still implies a requirement 
to use all the other complex stuff.  I don't understand the concern about "core" 
vs "non-core" since (to my mind) there *is* a clear distinction between some 
core structural elements and non-structural ("epistemic"?) elements.

To date, my review effort has focused on the DM, since that *should* be a 
natural goto point for someone seeking to get a grasp of the actual technical 
details, but to my mind it does not succeed in that.  On the basis of a brief 
scan, I think the primer and ontology documents do much better.

> It would really be good to get specific suggestions from you. What
> should be cut? What should be changed? I have made specific
> suggestions for increasing simplicity for example by making
> collections a separate document.

I'm working on some suggestions that I'll try to articulate in a separate email.


Received on Tuesday, 8 May 2012 11:59:25 UTC