Re: Quality check of ProvRDF

I also think

should then not  use prov:activity if activity is given in
actedOnBehalfOf(id,ag2,ag1,a) ..

The Responsibility involvement replaces the optional activity
parameter, the binary relationship is to the agent ag1.

prov:associatedWithActivity? (the wasAssociatedWith is
PROV-inferrable, but I don't think we can make it a subclass of
prov:Association, as that's a different DM statement with different ID
and attributes)

On Mon, Mar 19, 2012 at 10:03, Stian Soiland-Reyes
<> wrote:
> On Sun, Mar 18, 2012 at 15:38, Timothy Lebo <> wrote:
>> I've looked over part of your mapping, and I wrote down a new design objective "rule".
>> Do you agree with it?
> I'm OK with the principle, but not sure about the consequences, in
> particular if we use 'had' form.
> That would mean the involvements will 'have' things they did not
> really have, but were just properties of the involvement?
> I believe these are the changes:
> :quotation a prov:Quotation ;
>  prov:hadQuoter :quoter ;
>  prov:hadQuoted :quoted .
> I'm OK with that, as quoter/quoted are roles in a Quotation acti... involvement.
> :derivation a prov:Derivation ;
>  prov:hadUsage :use1 ;
>  prov:hadGeneration :gen1 .
> Not so sure about this.. The derivation *had* some usage? *Had* a generation?
> Perhaps a verb that also signifies involvement of some kind.. the
> generation was the *outcome* of the derivation, and the usage was the
> premiss.  What about:
> :derivation a prov:Derivation ;
>  prov:basedOnUsage :use1 ;
>  prov:contributedToGeneration :gen1 . # There might be other
> derivations for same generation!
> And should we then not also rename these back to was-form?
> :e2 prov:alternateOf :e1 .
> :e3 prov:specializationOf :e1 .
> -->
> :e2 prov:wasAlternateOf :e1 .
> :e3 prov:wasSpecializationOf :e1 .
> --
> Stian Soiland-Reyes, myGrid team
> School of Computer Science
> The University of Manchester

Stian Soiland-Reyes, myGrid team
School of Computer Science
The University of Manchester

Received on Monday, 19 March 2012 10:55:54 UTC