Re: PROPOSALS TO VOTE ON (deadline: Wednesday 14th, midnight GMT)

On 09/03/2012 14:41, Luc Moreau wrote:
> Dear all,
> Find three proposals to vote on. They are intended to simplify the data model.
> The proposals are related to ISSUE-207 (start/end), ISSUE-206, and ISSUE-204(end
> of entity).
> If you have issues with them, please raise them promptly, since we are keen to
> have these
> resolved by the next teleconference on Thursday.
> They all appear in
> Please express your vote for each proposal separately:






The lukewarm response here is because I don't have any visibility of 
applications that actually require these features.  It smells a little of 
ontologizing for the sake of ontologizing, but I lack any specific reason to 
oppose the proposals.

Proposal3 looks sensible as stated; i.e. to separate out facets of an existing 
overloaded concept, but it only rates +0.5 for the reason stated above.


Received on Wednesday, 14 March 2012 19:16:31 UTC