Re: PROV-ISSUE-411 (tracedto-inference): Should tracedTo allow tracing across specialization relation [prov-dm-constraints]

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There seemed to be no consensus for adding an inference from specialization to tracedTo.

Since then, tracedTo has been removed and instead we have (non-transitive) wasInfluencedBy.  

I presume that there is also no consensus for adding an inference from specialization to wasInfluencedBy, and have marked the issue closed.  I expect further concerns about adding or removing inferences to be raised as new issues.


On Jun 22, 2012, at 5:42 PM, Satya Sahoo wrote:

> Hi,
> The constraints document allows for tracedTo to be inferred from derivation and attribution. Should the following also hold:
> specialization(e2,e1)
> implies
> tracedTo(e2,e1)
> I don't see any reason for inferring tracedTo from specialization - I agree with Khalid's interpretation of tracedTo that links one entity to another if the first entity played a role in generation of the second entity.
> Specialization is very different (at least according to current defn. in DM) - specialization(car, vehicle). This clearly does not mean that car is tracedTo vehicle.
> Thanks.
> Best,
> Satya
> Luc
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Received on Wednesday, 18 July 2012 18:00:22 UTC