Re: Prov-o call on Monday 12:00noon US ET

On Mon, Oct 24, 2011 at 11:16, Luc Moreau <> wrote:

> For me, 'time' is the pressing issue.
> - How do we asssociate time with PE, used, and wasGeneratedBy?

and below

> - Do we have examples with time, illustrating all potential use of time?

All the above have examples, but I am still updating the complete
crime file example and the workflow example.

> - Entities do not have time associated with them

That's really an issue with PROV-DM, not PROV-O. Entities are here
described by characterisation intervals, which seems quite central to
an entity, but how to express those are not clarified in PROV-DM.
Likewise we don't say much about this in PROV-O.

We know that the start of an entity is when it is generated
(prov:wasGeneratedAt in PROV-O) - but don't know when it ceased to
exist. (There's no prov:wasDestroyedAt or prov:wasDestroyedBy)

(Just to get started with something experimentally) I made
prov:wasGeneratedAt a subproperty of time:hasBeginning - this
implicitly makes a prov:Entity a time:TemporalEntity (either a
time:Instant or a time:Interval) - but expressing anything more about
this interval (such as when it ends or which other entities it
overlaps) is outside the current scope of PROV, and this is not
elaborated in the PROV-O document.

Stian Soiland-Reyes, myGrid team
School of Computer Science
The University of Manchester

Received on Monday, 24 October 2011 10:30:45 UTC