Re: PROV-ISSUE-114 (Tlebo): is prov:wasDerivedFrom rdfs:subPropertyOf prov:dependedOn? [Formal Model]

On 05/10/2011 13:25, Stian Soiland-Reyes wrote:
> However - dependedOn is transitive - but wasDerivedFrom is not. Can
> you be a subproperty and loose the transitivity?

(Did anyone else answer this?)

Yes, I think so.

Suppose we have ex:greater and ex:succ defined on numbers.

   two ex:greater one
   three ex:greater two
   three ex:greater one

   two ex:succ one
   three ex:succ two


So ?a ex:succ ?b => ?a ex:greater ?b

Thus satisfying the necessary requirement for claiming
   ex:succ rdfs:subPropertyOf ex:greater
If <x,y> is in IEXT(I(rdfs:subPropertyOf)) then IEXT(x) is a subset of IEXT(y)

But it's fairly easy to see that ex:greater is transitive where ex:succ is not.


> prov:wasEventuallyDerivedFrom is transitive, however. So 3) is
> captured by making prov:dependedOn transitive, 2) by making
> prov:wasEventuallyDerivedFrom subproperty of prov:dependedOn. How to
> do 1) in OWL is slightly trickier.

Received on Wednesday, 19 October 2011 15:52:39 UTC