Re: Primer first draft for review


Coming back to one of your comments on the primer:

> 2.1 Entities
> I think this doesn't really capture the relationship between entities and things
> that may change, which is a key motivator for introducing the notion of
> "Entities".  Cf.
> for possible adaptable text (though in this context you may prefer to avoid the
> dependence on Web resources.)

I agree that the primer text didn't adequately capture this. Just to
be clear we mean the same thing, entities *are* things that can
change, right? It's just that as soon as an attribute by which they
are characterised changes, then it is no longer that entity. A web
resource is an entity, even if there are also more specific

I found it difficult to extract the PAQ text from the web context and
seemed longer than ideal for the primer intuition section, so went
back to the DM spec and tried to work some text from there.

I tried adding some text (third paragraph) to the primer section
below. Is this adequate?


Dr Simon Miles
Lecturer, Department of Informatics
Kings College London, WC2R 2LS, UK
+44 (0)20 7848 1166

Provenance in Agent-mediated Healthcare Systems:

Received on Wednesday, 23 November 2011 15:37:46 UTC