PROV-ISSUE-147 (Replace recipe): Change the name if "Recipe" [Data Model]

PROV-ISSUE-147 (Replace recipe): Change the name if "Recipe" [Data Model]

Raised by: James McCusker
On product: Data Model

We chose Recipe to be explicitly clear about the use of a method or plan to guide a ProcessExecution. We should find a broader term that isn't as tied to the cake example. This is what I recommend. We start with the term "Recipe" and replace it with ever more general terms that are unambiguous. We then accept the broadest possible term that cannot be confused with an occurrent.

My first cut is "Plan". It's short, simple, and unambiguous. I think it's sufficiently general to cover the definition of "Recipe" without being confused with "Process".

Received on Monday, 7 November 2011 15:16:31 UTC