Re: PROV-ISSUE-1 (define-resource): Definition for concept 'Resource' [Provenance Terminology]

Hi Luc,

Some comments to your example inline ...

> The challenge is to deal with dynamic contents.

First of all, I think it might make sense to add some time information 
in your examples, which is exactly what I did below.
> Illustration inspired by the example.
> - government (gov) converts data (d1) to RDF file (f1) at time (t1)
> using xlst transform
> - government (gov) uploads RDF data (f1) into a triple store, exposed
> as  Web resource (r1)
> - analyst (alice) downloads a turtle serialization (lcp1) of the
> resource (r1) from government portal
> Illustrations:
> - r1: is a resource: it's the triple store, its a container, its content
> can vary over time

Is r1 a resource or a resource state? IMO, r1 accessed by gov at time t1 
should be a different resource state from that r1 accessed by alice at 
time t2.

> - lcp1: is a r-text (turtle serialization) of a given snapshot (created
> by, or available at the time of, download)

That even convinced me more that r1 is a resource snapshot.

> - f1 is a local file: it can be seen as a stateless anonymous resource,
> with a single r-text.

If f1 is a file, then it is a representation of a resource, not a 
resource any more, right?
> If in addition:
> - analyst (alice) downloads a rdf/xml serialization (lcp2) of the
> resource (r1)
> If the content of r1 has not changed, then lcp2 and lcp1 are both
> r-texts of a same r-snapshot.

Again, what is r-snapshot here now? And lcp2 and lcp1 shouldn't be 
r-texts of the /*same*/ r-snapshot, because they were retrieved at 
different time stamp, right?



> Note that this is not limited to RDF (as Graham mentioned)
> - newspaper (news), uses a CMS to publish the incidence map (map1),
> chart (c1) and
>     the image (img1) within a document (art1) written by (joe) using
>     license (li2)
> - newspaper (news), updates art1, adding a correction following a
> complaint from a reader
> Illustrations:
> - art1 is a also resource, with two r-snapshots (before and after
> correction)
> - with language negotiation, an http client can download  html and xhtml
> representations (i.e., r-texts) of the article
> What do you think?
> Cheers,
> Luc
> On 05/25/2011 06:49 AM, Paul Groth wrote:
>> Hi,
>> To throw out some, perhaps simpler, definitions into the mix that I
>> think follow along the lines of what's being discussed.
>> Resource - something that can be identified
>> Snapshot - the state of a resource at particular point in time
>> In the Data Journalism Scenario: a 'resource' would be the web page. a
>> 'snapshot' would be the web page before publication.
>> cheers,
>> Paul
>> Note: Similar concepts are found within many provenance models that I
>> know of....if it's helpful I can list those out

Received on Wednesday, 25 May 2011 10:56:54 UTC